Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Office Construction Has Begun!!

Construction has FINALLY begun on the new office.  We were down this weekend for a couple meetings and were surprised when they were actually further ahead with construction than we had anticipated... truly a miracle contractor story!  Sorry for all the random construction photos, but we know what they mean!

Front entracne
Waiting room
Front Office (the "check in/out wall isn't up yet)
Office Manager office (on left), Consult Room (on right)
Patient Bathroom (Sterilization on the other side)
Hallway (4 ops on left, and sterilizatioin on right)
Op 1
Op 3
Op 2
Storage Closet
Surgery Suite
Brent's Office (& Bathroom)
Lab (and our lab tech inspecting his work space!)
Staff Lounge
Windows into ops
Part of our construction crew
So happy to finally be moving forward!!!
Here's to hoping it continues to go this smoothly!!!! Yeaahhh!


Jenn Whitesides said...

It's looking good! I'm so excited for you guys taking this huge step. We're going to come check it out as soon as it opens!

Noelle and Corey said...

That is so exciting that it's coming along so quickly. I'm looking forward to seeing the finished product!