Thursday, December 31, 2009

Christmas in Utah

We made it back to Utah for Christmas this year...that's 2 trips to Utah in one year!!!! :) Logan, of course was so excited to see his cousins again & still hasn't stopped talking about Grandma & Grandpa. Logan and I headed out a few days before Brent because my grandfather passed away and we wanted to make it to the funeral. It was nice for us to be able to see so much of my family that I haven't seen in a very long time and especially my grandmother; I just wish it had been under better circumstances.

Christmas in Brigham City!

Logan & Hudson spying on the dogs.

Christmas morning...Logan totally has the present thing down.

He's also obsessed with trucks!

Logan kept wanting me to take pictures of him & was being soooo cheesy...this is normally not the case so I was all for it!

Christmas eve with the family.

Indiana even made it

Logan was soooo excited about all the "SNOW"!!! So Brandon brought his sled up & we borrowed snow clothes from hudson & Logan was in heaven.

It hadn't snowed in a while, but was pretty cold so the snow was kinda ice & hard to walk on.
Logan of course threw a HUGE fit when it was time to leave...I guess we're just going to have to come back soon!

Nonni comes to town...on a train!

My mom stopped by for a visit after being in Oklahoma with my brother...but the most exciting part about this trip for Logan I think was the fact that she arrived on a train! And then, of course all the gifts that arrived with her for both his birthday & christmas. As soon as we got her home, Logan couldn't wait to open his presents that he'd been eyeing for the last week.

This was christmas & birthday combined since we were going to be gone for christmas. Thanks to Nonni, Logan is thoroughly spoiled.

Logan got a choo-choo...and the get-up to go along with was soooo cute.

Time to bathe the conductor!!

More random picutes:

Logan trying to eat dinner one night, I couldn't get him to keep his feet down so I pushed his chair all the way up to the table & I turn around & he STILL managed to sneak his feet up...little stinker!

Training him early!

Happy 2nd Birthday Logan!

My baby has turned 2! I can't believe it, I know everyone says it goes by so quickly...but it really does! Well, Logan right now is obsessed with "choo-choos"! For his birthday, we got up that morning & I promised him pancakes, but I didn't have we rushed over to McDonald's for breakfast. Wich, I'm sure he preferred because he played for over an hour. Then we stopped at the store to pick up his treats for that evening, which included his Thomas balloon which he would not let go of. He was soooo excited about the balloon & when we got home he kept asking me to put it on the ground so he could play with it...he didn't get that is was supposed to float in the air.

Life is great: eating a choo-choo sandwich & holding a choo-choo balloon.

What more do we need in life!

Then we were off to Chuck-e-Cheeses with the Whitesides for Logan's mini party!

Logan & Mason thought this game was great....why is everyone else standing soooo far away?!

I know there's got to be more balls in here somewhere!

Already addicted to video games...he wouldn't take his eyes off the screen.

Almost old enough to drive!

"I'm sure there are 3 buccal cusps on the 1st mandibular molar!!"

Cake, candy canes, games...halleujah!



Just thought I'd test the cake.

Catching Up-Dec 2009

We got together with the Whitesides so that we could all walk over to a Christmas Tree lighting by our house, but the boys...ALL the boys were having way too much fun to leave. The little boys enjoyed running through the house, jumping on our bed (which we happend to allow in our house!), and pushing each other around in a box...who needs toys!!! The big boys, enjoyed trying to watch football on our tiny tv & all the noise. Jenn & I just sat back & laughed I think.

3 little monkeys jumping on the bed...fortunately, none fell off!

Rub a dub-dub, 3 boys in a tub!

Just some random pictures I had on my camera:

Logan loves laundry...not sure why. But, I came in to get another load to put in the washer & he had climbed in the basket and was piling clothes on top of himself...he thought it was hysterical.

Logan's favorite thing to do in the morning is to cuddle in the rocking chair a read stories. I love that he's still snuggly in the mornings!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Trick or Treat 2009!

We went over to the Whiteside's for Halloween & all the boys had a blast! Logan dressed up as a tiger (thanks to mom for the awsome costume), Samuel was Cpt Jack Sparrow, Mason was Cpt Hook.

There was a haunted garage across the street that Logan couldn't wait to get to...when we got there he just stood oustide & stared!

We actually got all four boys looking at the camera at the same time!!!

For a split second!

Trick or treat!

Logan wanted to check his bucket after every house!

Mason as cpt hook!

Going straight for the tire!

Logan actually walked by himself for most of the night...he only caught a ride with dad at the very end!


Time to explore my booty!

Time to eat my booty!

I think I'll just shove it all in at once.

we turned around & Logan had Mason's pirate hat on...i don't know if he put it on or one of the other boys, but it was hilarious.

yummy sucker!

Time for a break & candy...this trick or treating thing is exhausting!

More candy please!