We got together with the Whitesides so that we could all walk over to a Christmas Tree lighting by our house, but the boys...ALL the boys were having way too much fun to leave. The little boys enjoyed running through the house, jumping on our bed (which we happend to allow in our house!), and pushing each other around in a box...who needs toys!!! The big boys, enjoyed trying to watch football on our tiny tv & all the noise. Jenn & I just sat back & laughed I think.

3 little monkeys jumping on the bed...fortunately, none fell off!

Rub a dub-dub, 3 boys in a tub!
Just some random pictures I had on my camera:

Logan loves laundry...not sure why. But, I came in to get another load to put in the washer & he had climbed in the basket and was piling clothes on top of himself...he thought it was hysterical.

Logan's favorite thing to do in the morning is to cuddle in the rocking chair a read stories. I love that he's still snuggly in the mornings!