June was a very eventful month for us. It all started off with the Prosthodontic graduation where Jason Peacock & David Moreno were awarded their Prosthodontic certificates...congratulations guys!! (only 10 more months to go & then it's Brent's turn...hurray!!!) We had a blast at the graduation BBQ hosted by Dr. Holloway where we got to enjoy everyones company. Then it was the graduation dinner held every year at the Confluence Park Restaurant. There Brent was passed the badge of chief resident by Jason...hopefully he won't let the power go to his head!
Quick photo show of all the fun:
Brent & Jason lounging @ the BBQ

Kristen, Logan, Courtney, Seth & Alex

Liz & Logan

Jason & David with their graduation cake...don't they make such a cute couple!!

Bringing Dr. Holloway into the fun

What would a BBQ be without the video games?
Brent receiving the badge of honor from Jason...congrats chief resident

OSU Advanced Prosthodontics

Jason & Courtney...how cute!

After all the graduation excitement Brent's parents graciously offered to spend some time with us in Ohio...Brent's Dad to help with the kitchen remodel and Brent's mom to watch Logan for us for 2 months. They also brought our nephew Brandon with them to hang out with us for a few weeks. So we had a houseful of people (6 people & a dog) all while we (I mean the boys...I was very good a trying to play foreman)completely ripped out our existing kitchen, re-wired it, added new drywall, etc... and voila, we have a new kitchen.
We figured since we will most likely be selling our condo next year that we should remodel our kitchen now so we can at least enjoy it for a year. I'm really glad we decided to because I think the boys did an awsome job & I'm so impressed with the way it came out. We ended up getting most of our stuff (ie cabinets & accessories) from the brand new Ikea that opened up near Cincinnati this spring. Their stuff turned out to be great & very budget friendly! (we would definitely recommend their cabinets). Well, all of the big stuff is pretty much done, we just have a couple of odds & ends to finish up; but it is functional now. We'll have FINAL pics up hopefully in a couple weeks. For now, this is just the work in progress.
So, I need to hunt to find some good "before" pics of our kitchen because we started demmoing it before I took some (oops), so this is from Thanksgiving a couple years ago but you get an idea of the terrible cabinets & countertop that we had in before.

The demmo is complete & the drywall is pretty much done.

The boys hard at work!

All the cabinets are in (minus a few doors); we also added some pantry cabinets...it is sooooo wonderful to actually have some storage now in our tiny (but now very efficient) kitchen!! And I'm thrilled to have an over the range microwave & new dishwasher...the things I find myself getting excited about these days...I would have never thought!

During the kitchen remodel, mom & I took Brandon & Logan on some outings so the boys could get some work done without us being in the way. We went to our fabulous zoo here in Columbus, saw WallE (very cute), and went to COSI...from what I hear, it sounds like we did such a great job entertaining Brandon that he's ready to come out for his next visit!! :) (we'd love to have you anytime...Indiana has been very lonely ever since you left!)
Our pics from the zoo:
A gigantic turtle

Logan got to pet his first snake...eewwwwwww!

Brandon & Grandma playing the bongos

We decided Brandon was actually the stinkiest flower!

Just to keep things exciting this month, we also decided to finally start Logan on solids...he absolutely loved the experience and everyone was very entertained everytime it came to feed Logan!

Brent's Dad and Brandon took off at the end of June and things settled down for us a little in July. Brent's mom stayed to watch Logan for another two weeks while we're waiting for him to start at his new daycare in August. We were so lucky to have her here helping us...I don't know what we would've done without her!! During that time we managed to get some very cute pics taken at Kiddie Kandids wich I posted a couple weeks ago.
After Brent's mom left, I got a couple weeks off work to recoup and try to put my house back in order after we tore it apart. I also tried to play Martha Stewart and my friend Lynne & I made pillows and curtains for our homes...I was pretty impressed with the way they came out too!
And the final the event to wrap up July was the wedding of my good friend from Hygiene school. While Brent & I were in school we set up 2 of our friends (Heather who was in hygiene school with me, and Mike, who was in school with Brent) and now they're married! They had a beautiful wedding in Canton, ohio & I of course forgot to bring my camera. Congrats to Heather & Mike!!!